To be or not to be, that is the question? That is the dilemma that Hamlet, The Prince of Denmark, faced. That is also, the query that many of us have to deal with on a day, to day basis- to be agreeable or not.Why did Hamlet, ask that question? Because there was something rotten in the State of Denmark. Agreeableness is one of the BIG FIVE personality traits, that many a corporate values and looks for.They do not want dysfunctional folk running riot at the workplace. Many of us are generally agreeable, but then being agreeable, while good, being agreeable all the time, leads to enormous stress, called 'Emotional Labor or Load'and can tell on our physical or mental health. I do not envy the air hostess, who has to sport that plastic smile come rain or sunshine. It's too damn tough.
The dichotomy is that some of the disagreeable folk are also some of the greatest celebrities. To name a few: *Steve Jobs. **Henry Ford. ***Bill Gates. ****John McEnroe. Of course, Alexander 'The Great'would take the cake for his drunken rages. However do you get to hear of his disagreeableness at all? The deduction is that, the more famous you get, the more disagreeable you can afford to be! If you are a small fry, you had better watch your step.
Also, next time you are at the receiving end of a disagreeable person, do not grit your teeth and bite your tongue and look meek. Maybe its worth your while to play hardball for a change. Adopt a 'No Asshole Rule'. If you have not read the book, do. It could change your life!
Valuable thought Sir! Its common that we are treated the way we think about ourselves…being an yes-man always will not give growth opportunities instead people will use yes-man as a ladder and will move up. And at the same time we should not always disagree just to show others who is superior…The easier it looks in writing the harder it is as a practice. If we keep on agreeing and taking on whatever job is assigned to us we are not only stressing our self but also generating one social loafer in organisation who has happily put his own job on our shoulders, getting pay without work and balancing his life! And the yes-man keeps on balancing work…his life goes for a six....
Its right Sir that the stronger a person is in society, he can be more disagreeable to others at times. and its the law being followed by society that if you are in the bottom of the power pyramid, you actually can't afford to disagree.
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