Last week, a worker with a beer distributor, in the United States, was given the choice of resigning his job or being fired, for stealing beer.The Afro-American Omar Thornton, seems to have agreed to resign and then pulled a gun from his lunch box and shot ten people, eight fatally. He then took his life even as police officers were 'getting' to him.
The beer distributor apparently had zero tolerance for theft and discipline was swift with tragic effects, as we can see.Omar Thornton, the shooter, was a young man and seemingly well adjusted, but that apparently wasn't the case.It once again brings to the fore, the need to carry out thorough background checks and carry out personality checks prior to hiring people.
However the twist in the tale was yet to come. Thornton apparently, called his mother before killing himself and told her that he was being harassed because he was an African American and was victimized. His girlfriend later confirmed Thornton's grievance.Thornton's family has gone to town with his side of the story.
Thornton, had complained of racial harassment and said he found a picture of a noose and a racial epithet written on a bathroom wall, his girlfriends mother said. Her daughter told her that Thornton's supervisors told him they would talk to his co-workers.However Union officials said that Thornton had made no complaint of racial harassment.
A tragedy all around!!!!!!!What was lacking? Empathy, understanding and the Human Touch, that all of us look for.
This case shows how continuous build up of emotional labour acts out. some go home cry to bed, some go out with a bang with a huge collateral damage.
Nice to see you here.Very true. Losing a job is a major blow and should be delat with sensitively.
However, we have employees, with poor training and poorer culture, who make a mess of HR.
In this case, we are not aware, of what was stolen, in what quantities, and was thee an investigation at all!
This shows the nature of a human being who pretends to be right all the time, whatever the circumstances are? If he was right all the time, he was supposed to go to wall street and make a million dollars per day
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