The Great Library at Alexandria, was said to be a treasure trove of important books & classical literature ( Greek ).The Arabs, on a roll, captured the city in the seventh century.
The Arab General, is said to have asked the Caliph in Baghdad ( Omar ), as to what was to be done with the museum and its contents.
The terse reply was as follows:
If the books contain information that already exists in the Koran ( Islam's holy book ), then there is no need for such books. If they contain information that is not there in the Koran, then too there is no such need for the books ......................because the information is of no consequence.
It is said that the books in the great library were used to heat water in the public baths or 'hamams' of the city and the fires were kept burning for six months. What a tragedy?
Many years later, the German army retreating out of France ( WW2 ), were leaving Paris,when the German general overseeing the retreat received a telegraph from Hitler- 'Burn Paris to the ground'. The general was appalled and did not comply with this order. He stood his ground, even when a furious Fuhrer kept asking 'Is Paris Burning?'
Paris was saved and we get to see the wonderful monuments in Paris to this day.
For me the two stories are indicative of Eastern & Western cultures. In the East, where Power Distance, is large, we tend to follow orders, if they emanate from a superior. The West is more questioning, in its approach!
Its nice to see such happenings in WW2 where all grounds of insanity were rewritten.
But these were the same generals who gassed millions of Jews in concentration camps on a single order from Hitler, also Berlin was destroyed after the war but is now built to its former glory.
Good point.....
However there are some points to consider. the gassing was done not by the German army but by the Gestapo & SS. These were Hitlers acolytes and members of the Nazi party, not professional soldiers.
Berlin was destroyed even during the war, by American/British air raids & not post Germany's surrender.
The only sane voices during the entire WW2, came from the german professional soldier.
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