I love today's young generation, really so. They are smart, confident, open and fun.They pursue their goals with single minded focus.They are the new India and in many ways I'm glad.........because like most others, hope is what we live on.
Having said that I'm reminded of a rather interesting story:
William Kidd better known as Captain Kidd was a superb seafarer and a simple Britisher, that is till English sent him on a mission off Africa to quell marauding pirates, close to Madagascar.
Captain Kidd, strangely , turned pirate himself and a ferocious one at that, attacking British ships that sailed those waters. He was dreaded.The British tried in vain to bring him to heel, but the pirate Captain was always one up........
Eventually, Britain offered him full pardon if he surrendered. Kidd did and was taken captive on his return from the Indian ocean. The British then, tried and sentenced him to hang. Strange for a Government that ruled an Empire.
The Captain's last words were:
'This is a fickle & faithless generation'
Have to agree that Captain's statement is partly true..we are fickle, more spontaneous and to an extent faithless also...but not that much..I think this faithless dimension will be more prominently exhibited by our successors...Even they should get a chance to stand distinct as a generation!
A marvelous write up with a befitting title.
Simultaneously interesting and intriguing.
Your effort to blend two antonymous feelings - hope and despair("fickle and faithless") - pertaining to the present young generation has been dealt with a victory but has also engendered,in me, a conundrum.
On one hand our hope is rested on the young generation who is ambitious and has zeroed in on their goal and can finally influence the growth of the nation as well as bring a change in the government.Good!They deserve an applause.On the other hand the same generation,veiled and overpowered by their ambition,would care not in the least to mar ambitions and dreams of people and nation at large, in pursuit of their own goal and gain.Eventually those whom we trusted with bringing a change,would only change everything but in a negative way and we too would say what Captain Kidd at last said:
'This is a fickle & faithless generation'
So Sir do u really mean what you say about the young generation:
"I love today's young generation, really so. They are smart, confident, open and fun.They pursue their goals with single minded focus.They are the new India and in many ways I'm glad.........because like most others, hope is what we live on."
Or is it filled with irony and you want a change,gradual if not meteoric,that would transform our nation for good.
Awaiting your response.
I like your style. You get to the point without fanfare.
Now consider, fickle & faithless- Kidd made that statement minutes before he died and in that context is quite normal. Also consider thte fact that the British Government did not keep its side of the promise.He felt aggrieved!
Was it justified? I would think so, considering that Capt Kidd, turned sides and was ruthless in his treatment of innocent sailors. A scourge was removed. Here the means justified the end.
Whether the entire young generation is 'fickle & faithless'? Tough ask, but my considered opinion is that there is a tendency to drift in that direction.Again that may be the means to succeed in a competitive world which celebrates material success.Taking shortcuts and using people to further one's ends is the order of the day!
To avoid shortcuts, you need steadfastness of purpose and strong faith in your abilities, to succeed and take the right path...........
Those my friend are qualities that seem to be fading.
& Chhavi,
Nice defense.
Fickle and Faithless.. interesting adjectives. I further inquire are these two just restricted to our generation that is 16-35 or even beyond...? take a look around you will find these adjectives a menace spread across generations...
@kuldeep: very well written...
Understand your angst, but the span is 18-30.........
You will find samples in all generations but the one I'm talking about is innundated!
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