For reasons that I cannot fathom, the color pink, is associated with femininity. Should men choose to wear the shade, they are looked at askance and in extreme cases, their sexual orientation is questioned.
I wonder why ? When I was growing up, pink was a pretty good color to have on you and perfectly straight people could be found in pink suits.Not today, though!
The good news is that, over the last couple of weeks, both Roger Federer and Nadal have been swatting the tennis ball in pink. Now you cannot question their manliness can you?
The genesis of the issue seems to be World War 2, Nazi concentration camps, where homosexual men were marked by a pink triangle apex down. Today this has become a symbol of gay rights!
In an era where we shun discrimination and embrace diversity, petty prejudices seem quite quixotic.
Folk, what's your take?
As citizens of a free nation.. i think people should wear any color which they can carry out with confidence... be it pink or yellow hardly matters.. A lot of my friends are bothered about being stereotyped but i guess.. we should just wear what ever suits us the best
Some people use pink for positive reference like health..... and then these days for relieving from a job, it is said that he / she is given pink slip!
Sab Chalta hai, Captain.
Very true......in Japan pink is a male color.
Sab chalta hai, as long as we don't stereotype!
Nice one! People generally forget history soon but not the historical issues which can differentiate. Be it in terms of Black and White,Caste ism and Sexual orientation..But atleast in terms of color one wear any differentiation is wrong.Because it depends on one's taste and not what he or she is... In theory and in practice pink is girl's color but its not law that guys cannot wear pink! Good that Nadal and Federer shunned this stupid trend and sported pink...Wish to see President Obama, Dr. Manmohan Singh and the new James Bond in pink!Pink is a symbol for cheerfulness and everyone has a right to exhibit happiness:)
The pink colour was made the gay colour by the gay right activists in 1970 who used the pink triangle very prominently. The Gay community always use's any and every symbol which was used to discriminate them, But now Rainbow flags are used by gay right groups apparently to get rid of the colour stereotype. so pink is of the hook and not so gay anymore
giving a 'pink slip' to this one....
the color pink no longer symbolises feminity... with numerous men opting for the so very "in" color this stereotyped perception is going loose...its not about pink, or blue or any other "x", "y" , "zee".anymore..its about the way you carry yourself.
pink is positive, pink is perky, pink is healthy......
and no longer girly.... and definately not 'gay'
If pink is not a girly color and a person wearing it is not pre judged,anymore, it is a welcome move. I'm glad but not sure, if what you say is right or it could be a fixation of folks of my age.....
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