Monday, May 2, 2011

Bhangra from Bhatinda!

On a visit to Punjab if you see a traffic cop, atop his pulpit,gyrating to a Bhangra beat, you need not be surprised.

Naunihal Singh, a young Indian Police Service officer posted at Bathinda, a south Punjab district, introduced the Bhangra as a unique exercise regime for obese, overweight and pot-bellied policemen.

Those police personnel who need to shed weight take part in the exercise, including dancing to Bhangra numbers, every morning for over one hour. One could probably see pot bellied cops, sweating it out to get back into shape.

In just a while, the personnel undergoing the weight-loss regime have collectively lost over 2000 kgs. For the uninitiated, that is what a fair sized Indian elephant weighs and is a stupendous result.

The Punjab police is mulling implementing this program for all its policemen to balance the rich Punjabi diet which is generally preceded by copious amounts of alcohol.

The Bhangra, is a traditional dance form of the Punjab and is a wonderfully energetic dance, which while being easy on the eye need not impress purists who swear by Indian classical dance forms.

The young police officers quest to get his force back into shape is to be appreciated and shows uninhibited thinking!

1 comment:

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Joan Kuree
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Posted by Anonymous to Human Touch ! at May 11, 2011 12:49 AM