Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Continuing on, my blog on, ' The boy who wore striped pajamas', I watched the movie with a sense of deja vu. There was something, about the movie, that I could not put my finger upon.

Normally, wanton, brutality, against people who have no defense, brings tears to my eyes. I abhor bullies! In this movie, even as a emaciated Jew is being kicked to death, the 'Kommandant' ( Bruno's dad) sits eating his meal with absolute nonchalance, not five feet away.


However, I just could not get myself to hate Herr Kommandant! Why?

This morning, while driving to work the nickel dropped. Herr Kommandant resembled a professor I know from a German University. The professor, is one of the gentlest folk you could meet & maybe my brain ( shows that I have one ) was a bit confused with the two characters- Herr Professor & Herr Kommandant.

As managers, many of us carry out an unconscious profiling & stereotyping of interviewees much to our chagrin, at a later date, when a poor selection has been made.

Happens to all of us, so watch out! Keep interview biases out.

This piece has mainly been written because, most interviewer's that I come across these days are appalling.

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