Sunday, August 9, 2009

July, August & World History

I do not know if I'm prejudiced or it's my perception, that events in the month of July & August, have shaped world history, in more ways, than events that have occurred in other months.Let us look at three events that happened on the 9th of August, in different years.

August 9,1329 - Quilon the first Indian Diocese was erected by Pope John XXII and Jordanus was appointed the first Bishop.

August 9, 48 BC - Caesar's civil war: Battle of Pharsalus - Julius Caesar decisively defeats Pompey at Pharsalus and Pompey flees to Egypt.

August 9, 681 - Bulgaria is founded as a Khanate on the south bank of the Danube, after defeating the Byzantine armies of Emperor Constantine IV south of the Danube delta.

The above events, all occurred on August 9th, and all of them, are important enough to have found a place in the history of the world. However if you looks closely, you will probably see that the establishment of the first Indian Diocese was the lone peaceful event amidst the defeat of the Byzantines and the battle at Pharsalus.

History will also consistently show, that, Western Civilization as a rule have been at the helm of wars, death and destruction. However Western spin doctors, have also fairly successfully managed to paint most things non western, from Carthage, to the Inca's, to ancient India as barbaric, uncivilized and decadent.

Europe has, in general, been the epicentre of most wars and so much so when asked, as to what he thought of Western Civilization, Gandhi, replied that, 'He thought, it a good idea and nothing more!' I guess he summed it up brilliantly.

It is important to see, that, in 1329, a Christian Diocese was welcomed in Kerala. This was a time when religious strife was rampant in other parts of the world.

August, also has the ignominy of Hitler's horror's in Belo Russia at the height of 'Operation Barbarossa or the German invasion of Russia and the Americans dropping the atom bombs on Japan, to 'end the war'. These are stories that I would like to talk about later.

India, as such has wonderful secular credentials, and much of the time we are at the receiving end of cleverly disguised propaganda. Historical fact, on many occasions, sets the record straight.

To answer the question as to my bias towards July & August, well, my wife & I were born in these months.

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