Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Attack on SriLankan Cricketers

The attack on Sri Lankan cricketers in Pakistan is perplexing to say the least, considering that their security seems to have been slack in light of the importance of the Sri Lankan cricketers as a terror target. While the LTTE promised not to harm cricketers and stood by their word, 'terrororists' operating out of Pakistan, have given no such assurance.

The Govt; of Pakistan seems to have been caught napping and one hopes that they will introspect their security apparatus rather than hastily pointing fingers at India.

For India, advancing the IPL to after the General elections, is a move in the right direction, considering that our security agencies would then be able to engage themselve completely with an event at a time.

Amidst the mayhem in our immediate neighborhood, India represents the only possible area where International teams from the Western World woud unhesitatingly travel and we would be well served to protect their faith in our ability to protect guests who travel to India.

Looking further afield we would be well advised in having a close look at our ability to host a safe 'Cricket World Cup' in 2010. The challenge is enormous!

1 comment:

Indian said...

How USA can Save 145,000,000,000 Dollars Every Year

The USA contributes USD 145 Billion every year to fund Christian Missionaries across the world. Churches across the world spend USD 1.1 Billion towards research aimed at achieving religious conversions. This is for propaganda material in 300 languages about 180 topics. Books and articles are printed in 500 languages. They total 175000. Every conversion costs USD 3300. It does not mean that this amount reaches the Convert. It is the expense incurred in activities related to administration, planning and implementation of the conversion programme. In 1500 A.D, there were 30,00,000 active Christian Missionaries. Their number stands at 64,80,00,000 today. 54% of these people are non-Whites. The strategy is to train non-Whites, provide them with funds and involve them in religious conversions. This is similar to the time when the British employed Indians as Soldiers to rule India!

It costs 145 billion dollars to operate global Christianity, records a book on evangelization. The Church commands 4,000,000 full time Christian workers, it runs 13,000 major libraries, it publishes 22,000 periodicals, it operates 1,800 Christian Radio and TV stations. It runs 1,500 universities and 930 research centers. It has 250,000 foreign missionaries and over 400 institutions to train them. These are 1989 numbers. No wonder Church needs Nazi gold looted from Jews of Europe and drug money to support this gigantic multinational operation.

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This idea also wins India's trust by eliminating Evangelical Terrorism.
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