India's one wicket win over Australia, at Mohali, has warmed the cockles of many an Indian heart. As for me, I'm delighted, particularly, with Ricky Ponting, having to eat 'crow'.Poor Ponting, for all his cricketing skills, has always come off as a person with a perpetual bee in his bonnet.
My first sight of the man, was, when he burst on to the international scene, vaguely resembling, the Hollywood star, Tim Robbins and in possession of the best cover drive that I've seen to date, Tendulakars included. During that series, Ponting was hit on the head by a screaming bouncer, from Bengaluru boy, Srinath.Ponting was floored. ( Srinath, apparently, is the fastest bowler, that India has produced, to date- this for ignoramuses who think vegetarians cannot be quick bowlers )Srinath, trotted up to a shaken Ponting and sheepishly enquired about his health. The response was, straight from the hip- "#### Off', from an incensed Ponting. Srinath was even more sheepish as he walked back for the next ball, head bowed. Cut to the present- Ponting got into a spat with yet another quickie, at Mohali, Zaheer Khan. There was nothing sheepish about Zaheer and his demeanour. He let Ponting have it, leaving Ponting looking disoriented and at a loss for words.Probably Ricky lost concentration for a while as well. The boot was firmly on the other foot!
India has always been, known for its gentleman sports people. Vijay Amritaj, Wilson Jones, Prakash Padukone and even Dravid and Tendulkar, who ignored brats, like Jimmy Connors or Ponting on the field.However I like people like Zaheer & Harbhajan Singh who return the complements and are up to a an old fashioned brawl.It puts things in pesrpective.
Psychologically, the team has turned a corner. We are not intimidated, before the match starts and are up to the rough and tumble of mind games.Does this reflect in our national psyche- Yes I think it does and I'm glad!
Agree with u wen u say guys like harbhajan n zaheer give it back...India had always been a soft team till the late 90s.Ocassional flair(Venkatesh Prasad-Aamir Soahail...again at bangalore)left aside the indian team was always found wanting on aggresion(sometimes very necessary)we ve largely remained polite(not tht its bad..but should change contextually)so its nice to see th opposition eye to eye...GANGULY started it..and the rest have followed...
Must add tht it was one of the classics and shd be an good advertisment for test cricket...Regards..APURV SHARMA
You are right.......fantastic advertisement for Test Cricket.....T20 is for kids!
nice article Sir, though I watch cricket regurarly I didnot knew about the pontng - srinath case ,
nice information
nice article Sir, though I watch cricket regurarly I didnot knew about the pontng - srinath case ,
nice information
Ponting finally admits, to win India is a big challenge - Thx to d revolution started by dada...
"It's(India)a place that I've never mastered. I've never mastered batting in these conditions," says the aus skipper
It is less about Ponting and more about believing in ourselves as a nation. It is also believing that we are upto it when it comes to playing mind games and do not roll over before a ball is bowled.....
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