Just for a lark, this morning, I sent the picture of the aircraft carrier John F Kennedy, making port at Malta, to a few of my friends.........
The reaction was both interesting and immediate. Some said it was an awe inspiring picture, another said the ship had a peculiar shape and a third that the size was phenomenal. Interestingly, the first time, I saw the picture, my mind skipped the obvious and went straight to the plight of the Captain of this behemoth. He would have had his heart in his mouth, till the ship was safely secured at a jetty.Why did all of us perceive something different in a similar picture? My experience as a sea captain, and experience in similar situations, caused me to sympathize with the captain of the carrier.The others were not sea folk so saw something else.
The point I'm trying to make is that perception comes from our experiences and just as one object can give rise to multiple percepts, so an object may fail to give rise to any precept at all: if the precept has no grounding in a person's experience, the person may literally not perceive it.It is the reason why, experienced people are more perceptive and arguably better problem solvers. It would also follow that people who are more open to learning or experience have richer experiences and would be more valuable human resources, in most settings.
It is also important to realize that we have had diverse experiences in life, so our perception and following behavior can be very different. You can expect the unexpected!
It is something to think about!
When I saw that image my first reaction was of curiosity as to why the fighter planes were aligned in that particular manner.. lesser space i guess.. And as far as perceptions are concerned i think having diverse experiences is key for growth. May be a captain can be the next CEO... of a retail brand..
There, you have a new perception. One of my friends said it looked like a floating city......
One of British Airways most successful CEO's was a ship marine engineer!
One's EQ is fundemental to success....
The one word which I can think of reading this article - "Brilliant".
Sir, your ability to connect situations with concepts is unmatchable.
You share the plight of the captain.. But I would like to share the pride of the Captain, who controls one of the most advanced vessels around the world.
Plight, Pride, Ability, Confusion, Brilliance, Curiosity...Awe Inspiring, Awesome...and what not thoughts can make you feel.Completely agree with you that experiences and perceptions are closely related. Some are wise and some are not but at the end of the day perceiving shows that grey cells are present:) Ideas which were just perceptions are theories now...Because those who expressed them were open to learn..open to experience. And personally I like management the best as whatever the perception behind any idea it is right or not...it can not be wrong!Liked your thought!!
Like your obs.
Gen Patton said, the brave are those that keep fear at bay for that bit longer!
Nice thoughts!
Like your obs.
Gen Patton said, the brave are those that keep fear at bay for that bit longer!
Nice thoughts!
I always had this notion that perception is not to just c the glass half empty or full but to c de beauty of glass,, de beauty of reflection ... de purity of water,,, and all...
experience adds to perception ... but ur inner self ,,, ur intrest ... and all playz a role in perception...
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