One story is set to go on line as another dies.Orissa, one of India's, least developed states, has seen a flurry of infrastructure projects over the last few years as the state attempts to play catch up, with the rest of India.Not without controversy, of course.
Dhamra, slated to be one of India's deepest ports is all set to go on stream in the near future. The port can take ships which have a draft of 18 meters which is pretty awesome when you compare it with Kolkata, which can accomodate craft of about 9-10 meters.
The port jointly developed by Tata Steel and L&T, has remained on course for completion despite, a few hiccups created by Greenpeace. The environmental activists alleged that the marine activity in the area was destroying marine line, particularly, Olive Ridley Turtles. Charges and counter charges were hurled, maps were bandied about,marine biologists brought on board and the project stayed on course.............One of the fall outs of the project on the positive side has been improved health care, education and housing, for people in the area.
Cut to the absolute present. Vedanta, the mining major, has not been so lucky. Their operation off the Niyamgiri hills, was stalled by the Environment Ministry.The repercussions were immediate. Vedanta terminated, contracts given to L&T, which laid off 5000 contract labor, who straight away went on the rampage and destroyed property. This was just the beginning. What about development, for the apparently very poor tribals, in the area? No schools, no health care and no chance for an easier life.Youngsters in the area are dreadfully disappointed, because they saw, Vedanta, as a way out of dreadful poverty.
We are not able to get development to remote areas, for reasons which range from the environment to poor governance, to apathy and when folk drift to urban cities, everybody moans, at the pressure that they put on a cities infrastructure. In recent times the Shiv Sena's angst about 'outsiders' flooding Mumbai, is a case in point.States 'exporting' poorly skilled labor, are a cause for concern, for this country.Development has costs and the fine balance is to be struck by those who govern us.
As for Dhamra, I'm looking forward to visiting, the port, some day and Niyamgiri the workers who lost their lively hood!
Nice post. Much of what happens is a balancing act and defies logic.
for vedanta development of the place is not important as for its monetary value of shares, whose means could be legal or illegal. development of the nearby area is a positive side effect as seen by the youth but the environmentalist who live in the cities look at the forest as a kid looks at an amusement park and thinks that workers of the park enjoy everyday in the rides, not knowing that only thing that they can enjoy is the view of the rides. Thus the voices of the youth are crushed by either the naxalites or the intellectuals who supposedly know what is best for every one.
Ramnath, I think you are unkind to both.........industries risk money for profit and share holder value. Environmentalists try to keep man's greed in check!
Difficult act to balance, but one feels for the the tribals. Its like choosing between a rock and a hard place!!!!
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