US officials have increased the estimate of crude leakage from 5,000 barrels a day to up to 20,000 barrels, making the oil well rupture, in the Gulf of Mexico the most disastrous US marine oil disaster, worse than the 1989 Exxon Valdez off Alaska.
The Exxon Valdez, was a marine disaster, caused by a negligent Captain and his crew, the echoes of which are heard to this day.
Even as President Obama, makes encouraging sounds, the crisis deepens as it enters its fortieth day, with British Petroleum trying to put up a brave face, despite the fact that they are reaching the end of their tether as far as capping measures for the oil spewing well are concerned.
Oil has washed up and inundated 160 km of the Gulf coast and flooded twelve hectares of fragile marshland.Hundreds of pelicans and other sea birds are coated in oil amidst the crucial nesting season. Fragile marsh areas, nursery to much of the Gulf's marine and waterfowl life, are also dying.
Closer home, large balls of tar, each weighing about five kilograms, have washed up on the beaches off Managlore.These effect not only the fragile Eco system but also the tourism industry in the area, which was beginning to look up.Apparently the tar is caused by ships, washing their cargo holds off the Managlore coast.Unless the central government comes up with an action plan, in tandem with the Navy & Coast guard, as well as shipping companies we are writing a recipe for disaster!
It is worth recalling that the Australian government, will not let ships, discharge, sea water, in their, coastal waters, if the sea water was picked up as ballast in another ocean! This to preclude bacteria, that could effect, their marine life.
India needs to wake up to the big picture before it is too late...........there is little use of having satellites in the sky, if we can't make use of them in safeguarding our natural heritage.
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