Today on my morning walk, I was surprised to see a few mongrels watch silently as I strolled by. Why surprised ? The very dogs had incessantly barked at me, over the last month or so, every time I went past, causing me to carry a baton. I rationalized the dogs were now used to seeing me going by & had decided that I could do no harm.
How many of us are like that? We see a threat, and if the threat does not cause immediate trouble or is seen to be a cause of imminent danger, it is relegated to the back burner & all but forgotten. Till, it reaches Frankenstein's proportions and cannot be handled at our level.The Nazi's taking over Germany is an excellent example!
While thinking, about this my mind drifted back to a rather interesting book called the " House On Garibaldi Street"................about the capture of the dreaded Nazi Colonel Adolf Eichmann, from Argentina in 1960. Israeli intelligence, knew that Eichmann lived in Argentina, and desperately wanted him ( who would not want to bring a man who gassed, millions of Jews to death ). The problem was getting him out of Argentina.Israel would be violating Argentinian sovereignty by kidnapping Eichmann and taking him out of the country. Moreover, Argentina and South America had been a haven for Nazis and their sympathizers since the end of World War II, and it could be counted on that many of them would make things difficult for the Israelis if they knew what was afoot.
Israeli agents, painstakingly infiltrated, the cargo section in Buenos Aires airport, worked as porters & when they were sure they would not be checked by Argentinian airport security,who were lulled into seeing them on a daily basis, captured Eichmann & flew him to Israel.On May 23 1960, Israeli prime minister David Ben-Gurion announced to the Knesset that "Adolf Eichmann, one of the greatest Nazi war criminals, is in Israeli custody"
While gradual change, in many instances, is nature's way, a gradual deterioration in the the quality of services or products on offer, many a time are ignored, before it is too late to correct, because the deterioration is so slow, that it escapes the attention of many.Mighty organizations have been felled this way.
It is imperative that, the fall in standards anywhere, however small, should not be ignored but corrected, failing which many of us would be shooting ourselves in the foot!
What about Eichmann? He wasn hanged to death in Isreal, after a two year trial, much like what we are witnessing with Ajmal Kasab today.In court Eichmann looked so cooperative, simple & friendly that many could scarcely belive that he had been an agent of death!
1 comment:
The same is happening at West Bengal. 33 years of continous regime made CPI(M) complacent and it did not noticed the boiling change inside the boundaries...Mamta banerjee took the advantage of this complacency and is gaining majority not because of any extra- ordinary service to the masses but because she is putting herself in the loopholes which CPI(M) ignored and the masses noticed..
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