The recent spat, between, the governments of Japan and China, was very interesting on a number of counts.
The story.......
A Chinese fishing boat skipper, by design or otherwise, strayed into Japanese territorial waters off a disputed island, called Senkaku Islands, in the East China Sea, North East of Taiwan. Worse the boat collided with a Japanese Coast Guard ship and the Chinese skipper was arrested and promptly shipped off to Japan for trial.
From China, the reaction was fast and furious. The Japanese ambassador, was summoned over six times, once at 2 AM, and a demand was made for the immediate release of the fishing boat skipper.All this for a fishing boat skipper, nosing around a group of uninhabited islands.
Contrast this with our reaction to the Common Wealth Games imbroglio. Yesterday, the Prime Minister of India, is said to have pulled up the Minister of Sports. The question is where does the buck stop? Who is accountable for the mess? Is being pulled up a good enough penalt
Latest reports indicate that the Japanese have released the boat and its skipper, only to have the Chinese up the ante and demand a state apology from the Japs. Nobody is in any doubt, where the buck stops here!
Why do we compare China and India... It has few common grounds and very very different purviews regarding citizens per say...
I was comparing the action, post an event, not nations.
We are ready to stomach most things, by turning philosophical.
It is akin to shooting yourself in the foot..........
I think you must worry about CWG,and its lesson, rather than turning defensive......
in India reason for success is the leader but for fall is a layman whose name will come up in an elaborated investigation. that said i don't think CWG are going to be a failure no matter how bad it looks now it will get the job done, as it did with other 2 major sports event this year.
Appreciate your patriotism. Hope you are right!
I am not defending the fallacies which came out while organizing an event like CWG. All I am saying is we become too critical of anything progressive happening in the country. and learning from mistakes is part of a growing process with a developing nation like ours.
I am not defending the fallacies which came out while organizing an event like CWG. All I am saying is we become too critical of anything progressive happening in the country. and learning from mistakes is part of a growing process with a developing nation like ours.
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