A camel is a horse designed by a committee” Committee decision-making has been criticized for producing ugly, generic results.
Never the less, I love committees where constructive conflict exists and there is a vigorous exchange of ideas and thoughts. In the least it precludes 'group think' and one person hijacking a committee.
As the Common Wealth Games, of Delhi sinks further and the city adds a new chapter to its history, one wonders what the CWG committee was up to? Why and how did the committee, headed by a career politician, allow the situation to come to such a pass.
If the camel is really a horse designed by a committee, then, this was a committee which was full of ideas and probably acted after getting everybody on board. The CWG is the antithesis.
People who dissent in group gatherings can be a pain in the backside, but they serve a vital role.An acrimonious pair were the former British Prime Ministers Blair and his successor Brown. At the height of their conflict, Blair, received advise that he should boot Brown out of his cabinet. Better sense prevailed and he did not.
Lyndon Johnson, the American president, put it more aptly, when he is said to have said:
It's better to have a person inside the tent and pissing out rather than, having him outside pissing in!!!!!!
Well said indeed.........a view I endorse........................
Absolutely right.It is better to fight and come to the right decesion, than agree, and arrive at the wrong one.
Groupthink is very dangerous......
but ugly camel comes in handy in desert than a beautiful horse.
Absolutely true........
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