A student walked into my rather cosy office, late evening, yesterday enquiring whether he could get admission to our Executive Management Program. Since the bloke was an engineer and had a work experience of two years, I told him that, it should not be an issue.
However, what he told me next was a bit strange. He said that he had enrolled for a full time MBA but had to leave & return to his home town, as an astrologer had told him that his infant son, would not survive, if his father ( the student ) was in Bangalore!
I've not heard anything this bizarre in the recent past & was a tad shaken. I tried to dissuade the young man from giving up his full time MBA but the attempt was futile & I reluctantly passed him on to my admission team.
To cut to the chase, I was disappointed. I do not like quitters. They make the world seem a lesser place.A class fellow of mine had a similar issue. He would be full of zip, leading up to our examinations, but as we got closer to the D- Day, he would cook up some reason, why he could not take the exam and head home, much to their chagrin of all concerned.He simply chose to quit. Fast forwarding twenty years and the guy is an alcoholic wreck, floating in a sea of deep self disillusionment. He has quit life.When we started, our cadet ship, he came across as the most balanced and intelligent student of our lot.........so the way things turned out is a tragedy.
To make a commitment and stand by it is not everybody cup of tea, in today's world of instant gratification and make believe.The thrill of hanging in there and riding the wave, is no longer appreciated or wanted.Persistence is a forgotten virtue in a world where life is led with a foot on the accelerator.To attribute our actions to external causes seems to be the panacea for short term solutions.
To sit on the wall, is the call of the day!I would be reluctant to have such guys on my team.
very bizarre reason! But sadly its true..people do put their failure on things which are no where related to the work..Humans who cannot take responsibility of their own actions and put them on fate are doomed to fail in their lives...
Dear Sir
Excellent article. Your choice of words - unmatchable.
Having said that, I do not think there is anything bizarre about it. There are certain situations / relations in which we cannot afford to take a risk. Father - Son being one of them. Maybe he too does not believe in such bizarre things but the decision taken is based on the COSTS. In case, if something happens to the kid if he continues to stay in Bangalore, he will lose everything. He wont be able to make eye contacts with his wife and parents.
Moreover, I doubt that he is a Quitter. Maybe if the same astrologer tells him that he will die if he stays in bangalore, He wont Quit.
In short, not all decisions we take are based on cause and effect relationships or are rational. Its not always about belief but many a times and often its about the fear of your belief being wrong and the consequences which lead to such behaviors. I have personally experienced many a literate minds doing crazy and bizarre things not because they believe in it but simply because they are scared of their hypothesis being wrong....
There are still a lot of things which do not have a logic but they do exist. Maybe the logic behind such bizarre (as u said) is beyond the horizons of human understanding.
You being a parent must be able to correlate more....
Wonderful.....Both of you have points of view.
The bizzare, is for trusting, in the words of an astrologer.
Having said that, I do not want to get into a discussion, on astrology, simply beacuse, it is not a rational choice......
Dimple, I do not agree, with much of what you say, but respect your point of view & I'm glad you made it.
I've sailed ships on Friday the 13th, when people have warned me of dire consequences.
Was the foolishness? I have no answer. The ship was safe & I'm writing this piece...
And, I thought that a Serial No. of 13 in Alliance, would be the reason, if I don't manage to get a placement ...!!
I think, I have become a lil smarter nowadays ;)
......but you did get placed & well.
From what I gather you are where the action is, the sunny state, Goa.
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