There is a rather interesting advertisement on TV, where this rotund youngster is waiting for a job interview at an office. From his demeanour you might say that he has beaten the street, in search of gainful employment. A few minutes later, in walks a graceful lady,stylish and chic, superbly proportioned and a great personality to boot. Our young friend, takes one sideways glance at her, packs his stuff and departs. He knows he does not stand, one heck of a chance, with that kind of competition!
What does that tell us? The truth is that first impressions do matter, at interviews and unless, the interviewer is skilled and trained, and the interview process has adequate rigor an organization is going to land itself with folk who may not be the right fit for a job. A tragedy!
Strangely, interviewers thought that, interviews carried out on telephone would preclude this bias............and one would have a fairer selection.Data indicates that this is not true and the better lookers, continue to do well on telephonic interviews!!!!!!!
Why? I think I can guess the answer. Can you? Do write in.
This is indeed a stupendous read but rather paradoxical.Though the HALO EFFECT is pertinent to your write up,there could be more than one or many interpretations to this situation.What is your understanding about the sorry plight of the rotund youngster? Is beauty really superseding brains?
I'm afraid it is Kuldeep.......
Human's seem to be hardwired to make snap first impressions.
How do you make a decesion after interviewing a person for one hour? Is it better than a snap decesion?
The rotund youngster vs the chic female? Unless the job is very technical or niche the good looker will win!
Life is unfair!
Looks and impression matters...as you have pointed out that even in telephonic interviews the one with impressive looks cash upon the opportunity...Now looks are not visible on phone! The way we look stems from our attitude about ourselves...If we find our-self attractive (at times it can be just a illusion or narcissism:) we generally feel more confident in carrying ourselves. Average features and look can still make one attractive if he or she has right attitude...we have examples..(Kajol, Rani mukherjee..Tv actor shahrukh and now superstar shahrukh)...looks with grooming and nice topping of attitude makes a right recipe! I agree that taste is not guaranteed but it surely appeals senses...
Nicely put.......an attractive personality is also about grooming, being agreeable, dependable, unbiased and not restricted to clothes, perfumes and money!
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