I read a rather interesting article a few days ago, which spoke about, the effect of dim lighting on a persons levels of honesty & guess what, research has shown, that dim lighting does cause a person to dip to lower levels of honesty and ethical values. Apparently people tend to lie a great deal more as well, when the lighting is subdued.
These findings send some rather salient signals to us:
# 1. Exams are to be held in brightly lit rooms.This would probably induce students to cheat less.
# 2. Do not negotiate with persons wearing dark glasses and wear dark glasses while you negotiate.
# 3. When out on a date, select the darkest corners, if you want to lie to your bf or gf, otherwise go for the bright spots.....
The reason, dim lights make us believe we're less visible and give the feeling that no one is watching us, triggering more moral violations.Thief's often wear masks, hoods, and disguises, which make them feel concealed from view, and people who believe they are hidden really are more likely to commit criminal acts.
Studies have found that people who wore sunglasses felt greater anonymity and so were inclined to play footsie with the truth.The most important point is that, lighting does effect our mood & behavior, so beware!
Also, it's the reason why, I have the lights at their brightest, in my class room, while I teach........................it gets my spiel to be nothing but the unvarnished truth!
That's interesting and a little strange!
Was reminded of the ostrich somehow..
Bury your head in the sand........when threatened. That's the Ostrich, for you. Great trick!
Yup.. Exactly! Although its effectiveness still fills the air with doubt :)
Totally ineffective, I can assure you.
I speak from years of experience, of trying the Ostrich stunt....
Never worked. The danger, returned to haunt!
enLIGHTening:) we try to do only those things in dark which we very well know are wrong..if its really right then we need not to hide..and as a matter of fact dark or gray is the shade of BAD or EVIL!
as said lighting doesn't affect our behaviour or mood!!!! even scientifically working under bright light makes our work easy also there are chances of enhancement!! nothing like darkness is bad or provokes bad thoughts!! depends on how you think :)
Hi Vasudha,
Maybe you should wear dark glasses for a month & then tell me!
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