A few years ago I had a boss, who was an ardent 'chela' of Swami Nityananda. My boss was, to say the least, a painful man. Obese and suffering from hyper tension he would erupt for all the wrong reasons. It made me wonder, how the Guru would be if the chela behaved like a bandicoot.............
Nityananda stayed on my radar screen,as a passing interest, as I frequently passed his, sprawling estate,at Bidadi, on my way to Mysore & back..................till yesterday, when all hell broke loose. Apparently, the "Guru" was caught ( on camera ) in a rather delicate and 'compromising' position, with an actress ( as yet unidentified )and has since gone into hiding, after vigorously protesting his innocence and godliness.
If true, then we have one more God Man biting the dust.............................I have no love lost for self styled God Men, but what surprises me is the following that these gents have amongst the hoi polli! Why do we head for these folk, in droves, place them on a pedestal & when we find that they are just as human as us, mere mortals, our anger is unbridled ?
My take is as follows:
1. Indian's are very high on the Uncertainty Avoidance Index, which means that anything, which is not certain is anathema to us. This results in us making a beeline to astrologers, Guru's, palmists & so on to secure our future and make it more secure!
2.We are very strong on External attribution................Attribution theory is concerned with how individuals interpret events and how this relates to their thinking and behavior. Attribution theory assumes that people try to determine why people do what they do. A person seeking to understand why another person did something may attribute one or more causes to that behavior.
According to Heider a person can make two attributions 1) internal attribution, the inference that a person is behaving in a certain way because of something about the person, such as attitude, character or personality. 2) external attribution, the inference that a person is behaving a certain way because of something about the situation he or she is in. Blaming other people and avoiding personal recrimination are very real self-serving attributions. We will also make attributions to defend what we perceive as attacks. We will point to injustice in an unfair world. We will even tend to blame victims (of us and of others) for their fate as we seek to distance ourselves from thoughts of suffering the same plight.Since external attribution is external and situational and so cannot be controlled, we need divine assistance, in this area.
3. A lot of Indian's have an external locus of control ( http://capnagaraj.blogspot.com/2009/11/yesterday-young-lady-boxer-from.html)
Does education make a difference ? Please do let me know what you feel! As for me, I'm heading into a short round of meditation!
Education is the key but trust me Sir, i have come across a lot of well positioned professionals who still believe in some Babas and are very sensitive about the whole concept.
Probably education just increases the tolerance level but after continuous failures and disappointments even the most educated, well qualified Indians do have a tendency to fall prey to such beliefs...
I really believe that there are people who have special powers but I doubt they are accessible to general public.
Very well said.............however it is my belief that education must give us the strength to understand & face the vagaries of life....
It is difficult to insure oneself against everything..........& I do not belive that nobody has continuous failure. Thats a myth.
With regard to special powers, those that are with nature, do have them!
well of course education helps us have a clear idea of what things are and clears our ignorance!! also we should have belief and not madness towards anything. even in management we learn to be more cautious and act learned and believe in something that's worth believing!!!!!!! so why not now?? why not in this case?? knowledge is supposed to be acquired,shared and utilized but many a times utilization is over looked and that's when mistakes take place. so not just learning but apply it aptly where-ever required!!! :)
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