Just concluding my course with the defense class, here at ABS, I'm having a blast.The simple reason being the child like curiosity that many of them show & their interest in learning.
Management as we know it emanated from the Armed Forces & what these simple folk do not know is the jargon, which they would learn at a B School. One story that was shared during a session, was the experiences that some of these folk had during their posting at the glacier at Siachen and guarding the peaks at Kargil. Braving sub zero temperatures, blinding blizzards & sometimes constant enemy shelling, these guys take the beating day in & out, for only one reason- the pride in defending something that is close to their hearts.The passion is evident!
When, a HR specialist talks about employee engagement, I suggest he/she treks up to the Himalayan heights or gets on board a ship in rough seas.One of our erstwhile defense ministers, made a trip to these heights to spend time with the troops, in summer. The troops were happy but one soldier requested, if the minister, would be good enough to pay them a visit in December.The minister did, to experience, sheer hell.......................post which he got almost every paper pushing babu in the MoD to spend time with the army at Siachen, to get them to understand the what the normal soldier goes through.
The soldier, does not complain about boredom or the lack of comfort. Soldiers rarely display a 'sense of entitlement' that you would see in the Corporate world.I think servicemen have a few unique traits, which are:
1.A sense of humor.
4.They are generally in control.
5.Wonderful body language.
Corporate India would benefit greatly in having these men of honor within their ranks!
No Wonder the VP - HR, Employee Engagement in my Co. had served the Indian Army for a decade...
its a trend sir.. many of the firms these days include armed force people in their departments and it really helped them to grow..my uncle is retired army colonel and is head at one of the maruti franchise in jaipur. these people have observed life closely ..are far more disciplined and passionate than us and thus are good assets for organization..we need to learn such traits from them.
Hey Captain,
All your writings are amazing and gives lot of insight on mangement principles which can be applied and learnt from many a instances occur on day to day basis.
Jai Jawan....it is just not they are defending and protecting the mother land but it is something which is close to their hearts.They are the gaurdians of the pride and honour of every one of us.I understood one thing from your write-up that they know everything about management except the jargon, i feel if they share their experiences with the young mgt students..i think it will be the best Strategic Management class for them.
I really appreciate the information you provide.
The armed forces are one institution in India which people are still proud about & look up to.
In a chaotic world, they seem to provide a semblance of solidity but it is not to be forgotten that these are human as well subject to the same pulls & pressures as others in our country have..........the recent scams within the army will bear me out!
Hey Captain,
Its true that black sheeps are everywhere be it politics or armed forces.But looking at a broader picture...jawan is a real hero who stakes his life for us.There is no second option "just Do or Die"for the Goal.If each one of us apply the same principle and work wholeheartedly in every aspect then the quality of life will not be the same.
What you say is true..........on a broad base, the armed forces still do confirm, to the call of etics & integrity.
Sheep of different hues will always exist.
I think it was Lal Bahadur Shastri who said 'Jai Jawan/Jai Kisan....I think we need both, more than ever in India, at this point of time.
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