The last year and a half in academia has been a whirligig of excitement, achievement and pure adrenalin for me. While I'm able to discuss, far flung subjects like the fate of the blue whale in the Bearing straits to fog created by forest fires off Singapore and various other HR & OB theories,with equal ease and finesse,I've also noticed that my midriff has been expanding, not alarmingly, but its happening. The increase is incremental like a quality auditor would tell you.
To tackle this middle age malice, I've begun to make a few half hearted attempts at jogging to get the heart pumping at increased levels & fat burnt.Well, on one such sprint this morning, lost in thought, I was rudely shaken out my reverie by a body blow, which sent me sprawling. I was really cold, my feet were slipping around and my hands were rebelling against me. The initial shock gave way to anger & I rose with death in my heart..............& much to my surprise there was this young twenty something kid,mop of black curly hair, with a sheepish look on his face, trying to make apologetic noises. After making rude references to his eyesight, upbringing & so on, to which the guy refrained from responding, we were on our way. However it puzzled me as to how, he could miss a bulk like mine? The question answered itself, when I spotted a group of girls taking a morning jog a short distance away.
After using the general countryside as a public urinal & spittoon, the next best past time for Indians is ogling. We are absolute masters! Nowhere else in the world, do folk ogle as much as we do ( Indians).While the human female, is the most sought after target, we can satisfy ourselves by ogling at other forms as well! A recent study stated that on an average a male spends about one year of his life in ogling ( 365 days )and as for females, about half that ( 180 days ).
Mind boggling! I'm sure an Indian average would be higher.............I can vouch for the males, my lady friends will have to tell me if this is true?
My young friend who knocked me over, was obviously ogling at the females jogging & managed to miss my mass. Mystery solved.I've also been told, that ogling, at the right target can raise your heart rate by 20- 30 % and cut the risk of heart attacks by half!
I'm seriously debating whether it would be more fun to to ogle than jog.........and next time you want to brush the practice away as a waste of time, think again, it might save you that heart attack!
mind boggling ogling statistics!! i am sure that those who ogle are not knowing about the fact you shared that ogling reduce 20-30% chances of heart risk:) if they get to know it then that survey's results need to be revised again (365 days will be less)!!
Sir, ogling seems to be a better option if it lets us loose weight.. and as far as the time spent by Indian on an average on ogling well Indian men to me come across as lacking basic rules to please women.. they are hardly charming.. really instead of ogling they should learn to be subtle and effective.. And please no offense intended what say you sir??
No offense at all......I appreciate your comments,except that in this skewed world, women always seem to get the wrong end of the stick.......
The issue, is, that in India, women are evolving faster than men( most men are still mamma's boys & stuck with a fuedal mindset) & this is going to have far reaching consequences in the days to come, for society as such.
As for improving health by ogling, it was more in jest & satire.....
wow!!!! that's actually so cool,funny and even interesting!!! specially the statistical information and mostly how well it helps reduce the risk of heart attack!!!!!!!!
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