A little while ago, I reconnected with an ex student of mine on a business trip to another city. The young man, took time off from what was apparently a busy work schedule to touch base with me.We decided that there was much catching up to do, so we headed off to a nearby pub and downed a couple of mugs of draft beer. The evening was great fun amidst loud English pop music. The youngster obviously was very proud of his work and the progress that he had made. I was glad that he was doing well and his career was on an upward curve since on an earlier occasion at college he had looked despondent and very very low.
Well to cut a long story short, we go-sipped about Bangalore and his class fellows and common friends that we had. Since I had a packed day ahead, we decided to wind up early, even while the evening was still young and he offered to drop me off at my hotel.
This done, while leaving he bent down to touch my feet, the quintessential Indian manner of showing respect to an older person who one respected. It is called Power Distance !
I was touched and very very proud. I have told this story to many of my older friends and most laugh it off asking if we had drunk anything stronger than beer? The answer is no, it was beer and we were not tipsy.
I believe that whatever we might like to think, the denim clad Indian youngster is still very Indian and not culturally adrift.In a confused, over sexed world, youngsters are buffeted by conflicting thoughts and emotions but at the end of the day their Indianess remains and they have not abrogated their value systems.
As for me, I was very pleased that students that I had taught still remembered me with some affection in a world where permanence is in serious short supply!
Thank you Soni!
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