Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Grades story!

As we move along many would have thought that we would dump using education grades as a filter for landing a job. Far from this, the world in general seems to be regressing and many organizations are looking at even 10th Grade marks to decide if a candidate is good enough, thus right away filtering out a chunk of candidates who might be otherwise good enough to make the final cut.
Even as we decry our education system and youngsters cry foul, organizations seem to look for future success in the marks or grades that, that very system seems to produce. Why the dichotomy?
To my mind, it is clear that historical data, does point a finger at what lies ahead unless something dramatic happens. As an example, a poor student, would suddenly start performing brilliantly only if the there are drastic changes in the environment and vice versa. Many say that the famous Bill Gates was a college drop out. The drop out was by choice and because he smelt a greater opportunity elsewhere. His being a very good student gave him the confidence to take the risk to shun his studies.
A good consistent academic record indicates consistency, discipline, hard work and an ability to hang in there when the going gets tough and not least intelligence. All these traits are highly valued by corporate who are tired at handling the proverbial flash in the pan. Ask any HR worth their salt and they will substantiate that. Organizations zero in on the top B Schools and Engineering colleges, only because they assume that students good enough to get in there would display the above mentioned traits or values in the future, as well.
In an uncertain world, marks seem to be the best bet in determining future success, not an ideal situation, but we would have to live with it for the moment. Many would say that the Indian system, of education, with its emphasis on grades, kills innovation. I think it is more to do with our economic condition and lack of infrastructure. Well educated and heeled Indians seem to be creative enough. One has only to land up in the Silicon Valley in the USA to understand this. Many of them folk came from the education system that is still in place in India.
I would place my money on good grades with a sound attitude anyday!


Abhinav said...

Well said sir.. Marks are not everything!!

Anirudh said...

What if you got to study subjects you are not interested and not passionate about?

The marks is a yard stick to measure the ability of the student of how well he can just reciprocate what is there in the book. The curriculum is static all way along.

Could we ever imagine to have subjects which would only make us to do business plan all time meet important positions like CEO or young innovators outside the campus?

Do we have industrial visits?

To be honest ABSOLUTELY NO !!

The companies do not ask for marks at least most them.

Marks only make a great DIVIDE between students! Well isn't there any other yard stick to differentiate?

Well the education at least in B-schools should be dynamic and should have a lot of options so that a student can choose their interest.

Good consistent marks only indicate the above observation I have felt.

I think you should place you money on attitude-eccentric-innovative-stupid(according to the world)-passion and not on consistent grades Sir !!