A dozen ships,five hundred soldiers & a few horse was all that was required for the Spanish Conquistador Cortes to roll the mighty Aztec Empire over, who ruled what is today's Mexico. Just spare a thought, a few straggling barbarians from Spain, pursued by their Governor in Cuba, destroying a solidly established empire with a large standing army backed by experience and wealth. How was this possible?
Montezuma the king of the Aztecs was also their general and high priest. A divine ruler whose decision was final.When Montezuma first heard of Cortes he though he might be Quetzalcoatl, the God of Wisdom, who hated human sacrifice and, according to legend, was due to return to Mexico after being banished by wizards, rulers of the land. This worked to the advantage of Cortes, because it made Montezuma indecisive in his dealings with Cortes. He sent gifts instead of armies to Cortes and his men.This indecisiveness allowed the Spaniards the leeway to consolidate and press on.
It took two years, but in the end Cortes and the conquisitatadores prevailed even though outnumbered a thousand to one. At one point Cortes kidnapped Montezuma and threatened to kill him if he did not follow his wishes. Finally, Montezuma was killed by his own people according to the Spaniards. Cortes and his men looted the country, then settled the country, tore down its sacrificial altars, replacing the Aztec rituals with Christianity, and brought European government to the New World, with immense brutality.
A nation and its culture vanished for ever...................!
The power of an idea is all conquering. Ideas can motivate & debilitate as in the case of Montezuma and Cortes. Don't let the wrong ideas take root in your head and lose a battle before it begins.
There will be people who will tell you why you are not good enough or why you will lose or why you cannot do something.Shut them out!
Amazing Post.Very inspriring !
just like king of troy allowed the wooden horse against everyones advice and brought an end to Trojan war
once again a great thought sir.i am a fan of your blog and seriously waiting for your new blogs.
This is similar to my story of Alliance so far.I thought of changing the customs of Alliance in Student Governing Council(known as SGC) giving it a more secular look.
one thing I was knowing that if you have to reach there along with the secular minded people,your flight can take off only with the true relationship with your student fraternity.I was right in front foot.
Alas! I was knowing but not wanted to do the buttering of some current SGC member who have predetermined thoughts.I wanted to reach there with my ability.I was confident.I forgot that the first step to this was interview round where these guys have some role and the shortlist came and as obvious 90% students are those who have made a so-called relationship with these people.I got a lesson that ability is a small word and in fact so-called relationship matters most,take the example of nita radia.
I can confidently predict the final 9 or 10 and the three post which is going to be distributed among these 9 or 10.
All is set but it is a matter of time that the world will see this.
personal comment:sorry sir,this was very rude of me but i was a victim of that.i am always curiously waiting for your blogs as it gives me a lot of learning.This new blog matched my story so i came out with my comment.yes sir, i tried a lot to give a secular image but finally it will be region biased council again.6 out of 9 is fixed and rest will be distributed to the common people............
I love this piece!
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