Mired in the 2G scam, rising prices of onions and a moribund lower house of parliament, Congress points man Digvijay Singh, emerged the other day with all guns blazing.He brazenly labelled the Hindutva parties as 'Nazis'.
Not surprisingly the saffron brigade was up in arms and responded with all sorts of counter allegations. If Singh was attempting to divert attention from the various scams' that his party finds itself in, I doubt if he has succeeded.
The interesting point in this whole shindig is why did Singh, compare the Hindutva brigade to the Nazis? The Nazis were socialists, which the Hindutva parties, do not claim to be. The Nazis decimated six million Jews, who were rounded up like cattle, from all over Europe and then either worked to death or gassed in various prison camps ( concentration camps ), not before hideous experiments were carried out on them, in the name of humanity and science. I highlighted 'Concentration Camps', because this was the handiwork of the white apartheid Government of South Africa, before the Nazis came about.The Hindutva brigade in India just do not have the capacity to run such a pogrom, not that they have shown an interest. Also, the point remains, as to who are they going to target in India? Is Singh referring to the well documented religious support that Hitler received in Germany, in decimating Jews?
In the midst of the circus, the Government of Israel, issued a terse one liner....asking ignorant politicians to understand the full purport of the Holocaust and not use the tragic deaths of millions of Jews to settle political scores.
Maybe Singh could take a conducted tour of standing concentration camps in Poland & the erstwhile Soviet Union, with a stop over at Nuremberg, to get a better understanding of what Nazi Germany did.
The trip, during summer in Europe at tax payers expense of course!
1 comment:
these are tactics to stay in news. if such satements are not made people tend to forget who's who. for example newly reinstated SP leader Azam khan qustioning wether Kashmir is a part of India or not. these type of statements are made just so that people do not forget their name.
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