Breaking news is that Lord Swaraj Paul, has quit his post and tendered his resignation to the House of Lords, on being suspended for skulduggery..........
The other day I was reading a piece on Theodore 'Ted' Roosevelt, the American President, preceding World War 1. Roosevelt donned various hats, one being that of a ranch owner.Out on a spin, one day, he and a cowboy,noticed an unmarked calf. The next logical step was to brand the bull. The thumb rule was that, the calf belonged to the person or ranch owner, on whose territory the bull was found.
Roosevelt, was surprised to see his cowboy branding the calf with his sign, even though the land belonged to some other rancher and protested as such. The cowboy ignored his boss. After all he was doing him a favour.
The pair rode home quietly, post which, Roosevelt called the cowboy over, paid him his dues, and asked him to leave the ranch. He was fired, with a terse message, 'A person who steals for me, will steal from me'.How true. A simple homily most corporates do not seem to get.
That unfortunately is the unqualified truth. Dishonest people remain dishonest.It is probably the reason, why Tiger Wood's wife gave him the boot..........she understood Tiger better than most.
Strangely, Theodore Roosevelt, is best remembered,for the Teddy Bear, which was named after him!For me.......he was not a hypocrite, because as they say "When a guest starts talking about ethics and morality, its time to hide the good silverware."
Ted walked his talk.
Kenneth Lay, the cowboy, from Enron, is a good example!
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