These days, after moving home, to the suburbia of Bangalore, I find that my morning walks do not resemble a decatholon. Earlier I had to be completely alert to dodge,office goers, home comers, buses, dog shit & various varieties of dung. This resulted in my mind being completely & uniequvoaclly occupied.
Now it is different. I enjoy the pristine emptiness and stride confidently on. This has alowed my free mind to ruminate, while I twirl my baton army style, on various issues. one such issue was women. Amidst the business hoopla and ethical disaters that we read about on a daily basis, if you hear a womans name, it is invariably for the the right reasons. Does that make women more honest and ethical humans, in comparison to men or is it just that, there are too few of them around in the world of business that, their escapades go unnoticed. Being the diehard romantic and one who views the world through rose tinted glasses, I would like to belive that indeed woman are more concientious & ethical, till I had a look at today's news paper.
The headlines screamed :Indian woman diplomat is held for spying for Pakistan.......
I was aghast. Our own Mata Hari & that too conniving with the dreaded enemy, Pakistan! We have had our traitors, in the past.All men without exception.The article hinted, that the second rung diplomat, had received monetary as well as 'other' favors. what the other, means I will leave to your imagination.
My troubled mind has been forced to reflect if this is a one off case or a malice that is common to both sexes................Post, my quitting the ships and returning to the real world, the rose tinted glasses, that I alluded to earlier, have been slipping a wee bit & my mind has been forced to admit that woman can be as conniving and ruthlessly manipulative when it suits their needs.And like 'Deep Throat' advised Woodward & Bernstien during the Water Gate investigation, in the US, 'Always follow the money'. Insecurity coupled with intelligence and chutzpah can make any one of them extremely competent to take on the challenges of the snake pit & why not, if woman have to survive and grow in a man's world and the lure of the lucre always shines like a beacon.
I do not envy, the position, that our woman diplomat would find herself in. Traitors to a nation, are not viewed with kindness or empathy, whatever their compulsion might have been. The lady is said to have citied ' professional frustration ', but then who said that work life is a walk in the park?
While driving to work,today, I felt a certain hollowness, I felt sorry for woman in general, I felt sorry for myself and most of all felt that something in me had just died.....a loss of innocence and that the rose tinted glasses had slipped further!
Dear Capt.
Nice blog. Keep updating.
Venkata Ranga
Crime is crime whether by a man or by a at the end of the day it is one human who has gone against humanity and has striked hard on the rose tainted glass..even I dont want to open my eyes to see the real picture but..we cannot follow Mahatma Gandhi and stop seeing what is bad..I still consider visionary power as a god gift and if I wish to see the good I have to do the good.We cannot change begins from home.
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