I'm a firm believer that coincidences are not a matter of chance but designed to point a finger, that is if you are smart enough to figure out where the finger is pointing & what it means. So when, Bangalore boy & the latest swami in the news, Nityananda was picked up by the police, I was not surprised, that the place was Solan, in Himachal Pradesh.
Solan, a lovely little place was made famous by the Solan whisky & then Salman Rushdie. Like the swami both the whisky and Rushdie have been through their ups and downs. We shall however see, what lies in wait for Nityananda.
Through my life, I've always believed in the dictum, 'Fight like a man' and was a tad bemused this morning to read that Nityananda now claims that he is not a 'man' and ergo sans manliness could not have had sex with women in his ashram. That is a new line he has adopted, which the sleuths investigating the case do not seem to be buying right now.However if true, it would add an interesting dimension to the case.
I'm terribly upset that the swami, having had his share of fun,is not fighting like a man! It would have been the least that you could have expected him to do & if he had to go down then do so fighting!
The whole intriguing case has also seen a new entrant, in the mysterious 'Nitya Gopika'. The 'woman', is apparently incognito & it is not clear who she, though it is said that she is an NRI, recently divorced. As the investigation goes on, it seems to appear that this mystery woman, apparently upset about the swami consorting with other women, did him in with the assistance of Nityanandas car driver, Lenin.......now that name conjures up interesting stories, but we shall leave it for another day.
However it bring me to my second dictum:
Hell has no fury like a woman scorned
William Congreve, in The mourning bride, 1697:
Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd,
Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd.
So all you guys fooling around with woman have something to think about, which bring me to my third dictum:
Behind every great man there's a great woman
While the great is debatable, what is not is the plain fact that, Swami Nityananda, had a slew of them all around him, probably explaining why he rose to the dizzying heights that he did, in the sparse time that he did....................
I would also like to convey the following brilliant lines from Eminem, to our friend Nityananda, if it could help him:
Whatcha gonna do when sh*t hits the fan
Are you gonna stand and fight like a man
Will you be as hard as you say you are
Are you gonna run and go get your bodyguard
I said whatcha gonna do when sh*t hits the fan
Are you gonna stand and fight like a man
Show us youre as hard as you say you are
Are you gonna run and go get your bodyguard
.......I think Nityananda is running, but we shall see!