The last month has been one of coincidences for the wrong reasons. First a young woman drives her Honda CRV through a bevy of policemen in Mumbia, then two young Iranian women, assault & bite a cop for good measure in Bengaluru & very recently, a group of youth, in a fit of rage, run over a law enforcer in the national capital region , NOIDA.
The coincidences- all were young, rich & very drunk, while speeding in their fancy cars!
In the incidents narrated above, except for the one at Bengaluru, the cops at the receiving end are either dead or battling for life, in Govt. Hospitals, where the rich kids would not even go within sniffing distance.
The police in Bangalore, on public demand, have taken a tough stand against drunken driving & have been shutting down pubs and bars at early hours.These measures have been termed retrograde and earned the wrath of many of my fellow Bangaloreans as draconian & harsh. I agree that the less we are policed the better it would be, but how would explain that to the families of the dead cops & those of the young kids who now are in jail, with the possibility of facing extended jail sentences and a tainted life.
Responsibility is the price of freedom, a fact that many of us seem to have conveniently forgotten & till the message sinks firmly home, I'm strongly rooting for tough laws against drunken driving & early closure of 'palces of entertainment' even if it make the city and people of Bengaluru look old fashioned!
well I guess the people are dying at one end due to this so called fashion or trend!!! and I do agree with this proposal of closing the places of entertainment quiet early in order to keep ourselves and others safe. n yeah the survey shows that these accidents were mostly committed by rich,drunk,youth. Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam had one said though India is developing country we still have a ray of hope to see India as a developed country in future due to the youth of this nation and only 3 people could correct them. the mother, the father and the teacher!! so I really feel, not just the government,, but also the parents should be more rigid to their kids and make sure they have follow certain rules which could definitely bring about a change in the current trend and help them be good citizens. any countries' progress would rely upon the youth of that nation. so we all have to be really responsible and help our country flourish and see to that India is seated on her throne once again more rejuvenated and more glorious than she ever was!!!
Nice comment!
Lack of discipline amongst Indian's is getting noticed world wide & our position as a nation to be counted, is going to be in jeapordy unless, we laern to be more responsible.....
well said!! we need to look at it seriously as we are the nation with the youngest population in the world..we need to be responsible but we don't learn it when our elders teach us to be responsible..i think peer group pressures to not to indulge in such things could be of some help..well god help those who help themselves..we need to understand that freedom is bought by shouldering responsibility not by tossing it off..
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