Yesterday I ran an exercise in class, to check if my spiel on the concepts of Organization Behavior had had any impact on the kids of Term 1/ Sec C ( they choose to call themselves SEXY, but that's another story ).
The exercise was about, a group of Indian Engineers, working in devastated Afghanistan & my point of view was that the greatest challenge that the engineers would face, would be, their own safety and their ability to reach out to an Afghan population that was culturally different,tired & hopeless.
In course of my discussion, it emerged that Bollywood could be a tool to reach out to the local population, as Afghan's are enthralled with Hindi movie's. The more romantic, the better! No blood & gore for them.
The much denigrated Hindi cinema, a brand ambassador for a nation ! Many of you would cringe, but I suspect you will also agree that it's true. A while ago, I asked a few youngster's, what movies they saw & the names reeled out were all Hollywood flicks. Did they see Hindi movies? The answer was a nonchalant no, though I'm sure, given half a chance, these guys would be ogling at Priyanka Chopra in Dostana! English elitism for you.
I'm all for Bollywood. It is one of those invisible strings that holds India together. It has done more, to spread Hindi across, India, than the woolly headed babu's residing in Delhi. Who Care's if the Hindi, that Bollywood speaks is not what comes out of Benaras?
In the erstwhile Soviet Union, Raj Kapoor & Amitab Bachan, represented India as does Shrukh Khan in much of the Arab World.
The Chinese representative to the UN, is said to have said that, India conquered China, without physically invading it, by its ideas of Buddhism & philosophy. I guess Bollywood is doing just the same.
On my list, Hindi cinema will go down as of the definers of this fledgling nation, that we call India!
The exercise on OB, turned out to be great fun & the kids laughed a lot, a just reward for me, I thought!
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